최규하 최규하 영어로
- Choi Kyu-hah
- 최규하: choi kyu-hah
- 최규하: choi kyu-hah
- 최규백: Choi Kyu-baek
- 최규웅: Choi Kyu-woong
- 최규진: Choi Kyu-jin
- 절규하는: screamy; screechy
- 절규하다: yell; shriek; cry; scream; shout
- 최규진 (배우): Choi Kyu-jin (actor)
- 최규진 (레슬링 선수): Choi Gyu-jin (wrestler)
- 최근: 최근 [最近] (때의) the latest date; the nearest; the most recent; the latest; (거리의) the nearest[shortest]; lately; in recent years. ~의 (시간) the latest / last / recent / up-to-date. ~ 5년 간에 in the last fi
- 최근 생겨난: up-and-coming; emergent; nascent
- 최근 통화: recent calls